Column Systems support cover Christmas and New Year 2018

Mince pies are being consumed and Christmas music is playing so the countdown to Christmas is well underway and 2018 will be here before we know it. We hope you have had a successful year and we’ve made technology a little bit simpler for your organisation! Unfortunately, our IT elves do need some time off
4 Ways to Create a Secure Password that You Will Remember

In an era of aggressive online hackers, some of whom have the ability to not only ruin your credit, but even to hold your personal data and identification for ransom, it’s critically important to consider your own digital safety. Secure passwords are a critical element in that process, but how do you manage to create
IT advice for GDPR: cutting through the noise

GDPR is the new buzzword…or buzz-acronym, barely a day goes by that we don’t see an email or tweet regarding GDPR, its effects, and what products you should be buying to help you with it. We decided it would be worth sharing information on GDPR and what steps our customers should be taking to prepare
NHS cyber-attacks and what it means for you

We are sure by now you will have all heard about the high profile computer virus attack that hit the NHS in May 2017. To reassure you that whilst this is of course an important reminder about the risks of cyber crime, there is no immediate need to panic, this isn’t actually something particularly new.